Thank you for choosing the Coil Fitting Hub. This service is for patients from the Dunbartonshire area who want to have a coil fitted. Before we can arrange an appointment to fit your Coil, we ask that you read the information below, watch the video link on what to expect when having your coil fitted and then complete the Patient Questionnaire. Once the Questionnaire has been completed the next step will be a phone call from a doctor or a nurse to go over your information.
Information about your Coil Clinic appointment
What to expect
Please watch the video below on what to expect when having your coil fitted.
You may experience period-like cramps during a coil fitting so we advise you take ibuprofen (if no asthma or stomach problems) or paracetamol 45-60 min before your appointment.
To reduce the possible sensation of light-headedness during the procedure, we recommend you take something sweet to eat or drink before your appointment. It is not advisable to drive immediately after the procedure so we ask you to remain for 10-15 minutes afterwards.
Coil insertion
Coils can be fitted even if you have your period. It is essential to avoid unprotected intercourse from the beginning of that cycle (abstinence or condoms). If you are on another contraceptive please continue this until 7 days AFTER the coil fitting. Don’t stop it prior to the insertion.
Change of coil
If you are having your coil changed please avoid unprotected intercourse for 7 days BEFORE the appointment. Very occasionally it may prove difficult to reinsert a new coil and so unprotected intercourse in the preceding week could increase your risk of pregnancy.
When does the coil become effective?
- Hormone Coil eg. Mirena/Kyleena IUS (99% effective): if fitted during a period it is effective immediately. Fitted at any other time we advise using extra precautions for 7 days after fitting.
- Copper IUD (98-99% effective): Effective immediately.
If you are taking another contraceptive, it is advisable to continue this for a week AFTER fitting.
What to expect after fitting
You may have light bleeding after the insertion, but this settles in a few days. You may also experience mild period-like cramps for 24-48 hours after insertion, as your womb adjusts to the new coil. You can treat the pain with simple pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
HOWEVER – If you are experiencing pain that is increasing in intensity or not relieved by simple pain killers you should contact you own Practice to seek advice.
Other useful tips
- Avoid using tampons or menstrual cups for the first 3 weeks after insertion. This helps reduce infection risk, and to prevent any dislodging of the coil threads.
- Your partner may feel the threads during intercourse initially; this will cease once the threads have softened after a few weeks.
Do I need to have the Coil checked?
It is advisable to have a coil thread check 6 weeks after insertion with your own Practice Nurse. It is very rare for a coil to fall out but the highest risk is within first 3-4 weeks after insertion, especially during a heavy period. If you are worried that your coil may have fallen out, make a routine appointment with the Practice Nurse to have the threads checked and use condoms in the meantime. Keep your reminder card safe and contact your Practice 2 months BEFORE the coil is due for removal.